35% FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE (H2O2 has one more oxygen atom than water). If you do not have this versatile product in your home, get some. (You can find it on Amazon, as well as in some health food stores.)

35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is not the same stuff in the brown container from Rite Aide everyone has in their medicine cabinet. Most commercial peroxide at only 3% H2O2, is generally a low-grade and usually impure, containing toxic stabilizers such as acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate. The difference in strength and efficacy between 35% Food Grade and drugstore peroxide is vast. Sort of like the chasm of potency between a lite beer and absinthe.

35% food grade peroxide oxidizes, killing germs on anything it touches. Consumed in a very diluted concentration, it can neutralize toxins, kill parasites, and clear other pathogens from the body. Plus it breaks down into oxygen and water. Since most of your body (over 99%) is made from just four elements: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen, hydrogen peroxide is already a basic part of your anatomy.

Just be aware that this is STRONG stuff. Keep away from children and animals, just as you would with bleach. If it gets on your fingers, it will turn them white and burn for a few minutes, but do no permanent damage. DO NOT EVER USE IT UNDILUTED, ESPECIALLY WHEN INGESTING IT.

(By contrast, BLEACH is a caustic, toxic chemical, a lot more dangerous.)

Some Ways To Use 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide:

  1. BEST NATURAL AUTOMATIC DISH-WASHING SOLUTION: A tablespoon or two of Oxiclean mixed with a 1/3 cup 35% peroxide, leaves dishes clean, shining, sanitized & your dishwasher free of gunk. BY FAR better than any commercial brand. Environmentally safe.
  2. USE INSTEAD OF BLEACH: Makes laundry clean-smelling, does not leech color (if used in small amounts) softens, sanitizes. A bit more expensive than supermarket bleach, but worth it.
  3. CAN BE ADDED TO ANY HOUSEHOLD CLEANER: Put a few tablespoons of 35% hydrogen peroxide in any spray cleaner. This will remove toxins, parasites & pathogens from any surface. Gets rid of odors, mold, germs and leaves everything shining clean. (Be sure to rinse surfaces that pets & children will walk on or touch.) It is non-toxic, but better not to get on paws or little hands.
  4. A FEW DROPS: (VERY DILUTED!!!) In your portable water bottles (don’t use in plastic) try stainless steel or ceramic lined bottles. 3 to 5 drops of FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide per liter of drinking water (add only to spring or distilled water) will oxygenate your water and purify it. Also energizes by oxygenating your system.
  5. ADD A CUP TO THE BATH: One of the best ways to absorb oxygen from H2O2 is in the bath. This is also great for skin conditions.
  6. READ UP: There are many testimonial about 35% peroxide for health, a cleaner home, and a safer way to sanitize. Get rid of bleach in your home altogether. Completely outdated and not a Biohack tool.


“BIOHACK~Do-it-yourself biology, a social movement in which people and organizations pursue biology and life science with tools equivalent to those of professional labs.” ~ Wikipedia

The time has come to take control of your own health. Almost ALL health-related stories in the main stream press are thinly disguised advertising. Our “health system” now gears less towards getting people well and more towards making money off of chronic illness. Bombarded with information, an extraordinary number of people stay unwell. America’s population has never in history, been so unfit and unhealthy.

To be healthy in this era, you have to do some digging and self-experimentation.  There is no “one-size fits all” treatment or regime. Even the “experts” with degrees cannot keep pace with the surging waves of new information, products and treatments. We are living in the Wild West days of health, and if you are not looking out for yourself, health will elude you. It’s that simple.

Many medical professionals cling to what they learned in school. Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of data, paper work, and time requirements of a medical practice, it can be challenging to stay current with new developments. Doctor’s careers are increasingly at the mercy of the pharmaceutical corporations. They are sometimes legally bound to refrain from discussing alternative therapies with patients. A consumer willing to do their own thorough research may know more about their particular issue and alternative remedies. This is not to diminish the value of consulting a qualified professional. Of course, there are good doctors. Listen to him/her, but then DO YOUR OWN INVESTIGATION. Make up your mind based on many sources. Medical breakthroughs are occurring daily. There is much to be happy about. The idea here is to avoid needing the doctor at all.

Check and recheck where information comes from. Unfortunately, even doctors often accept results from “studies” performed by the corporations SELLING the product. A perfect example of misinformation is believing a study about vaccines performed by the pharmaceutical companies that make them. Even the CDC is compromised with a conflict of interest where they profit from the sale of vaccines to which they own the patent. ESPECIALLY in these times of unprecedented corporate influence of our government, all of us must be vigilant about our own health. We must watch out for our family and friends.

HyperboreanHealth.com will deliver one or more tips a week on how to Biohack your life. Live better, healthier, longer. Sometimes it’s just a matter of the simplest of changes.